@pierre-gilles I did some testing with the possible bug.
In MQTT I created 6 different features:
- Text
- Volume (Decimal)
- Volume (Integer)
- Switch On/Off
- Light On/Off
- Air Conditioning Mode
Then I tested sending value 1
- Via Send MQTT Message, with the features in sensor-only mode (1)
- Via Send MQTT Message, with the features in both ways mode (1)
- Via Set Device Value, with the features in sensor-only mode and a simple value (1)
- Via Set Device Value, with the features in sensor-only mode and a computed value (1+0)
- Via Set Device Value, with the features in both ways mode and a simple value (1)
- Via Set Device Value, with the features in both ways mode and a computed value (1+0)
Between tests I resetted the values to blank/0.
For each test I sent myself a Telegram-report.
These are the Telegram-reports, with my observations:
1. Via Send MQTT Message, with the features in sensor-only mode
Expectation: We can send a message to MQTT features in sensor-only mode (which distinguishes this action from Set device value)
Unexpected behaviour: We can’t send a message to the built in MQTT if it is in sensor only mode.
2. Via Send MQTT Message, with the features in both ways mode
Expectation: We can send a message to MQTT features in both ways mode (just like Set device value)
Expected behaviour: we can send messages to numeric and boolean features if they are in both ways mode.
Unexpected behabiour: The text feature didn’t work.
3. Via Set Device Value, with the features in sensor-only mode and a simple value (1)
Expectation: We cannot set values on features in sensor-only mode
Expected behaviour: We cannot set values on numeric and textual features
Unexpected behaviour: We can set values on boolean features
4. Via Set Device Value, with the features in sensor-only mode and a computed value (1+0)
Expectation: We cannot set values on features in sensor-only mode
Unexpected behaviour: We can set values on features in sensor-only mode
5. Via Set Device Value, with the features in both ways mode and a simple value (1)
Expectation: We can set values on features in both ways-mode
Expected behaviour: We can set values on the boolean features
Unexpected behaviour: We cannot set values on numeric and textual features
6. Via Set Device Value, with the features in both ways mode and a computed value (1+0)
Expectation: We can set values on features in both ways mode
Expected behaviour: We can set values on all features
CONCLUSION: there is quite a lot of unexpected behaviour at the moment.
Disclaimer: This test isn’t complete yet.
- I didn’t check with computations with other devices and features
- I didn’t check temperature and thermostat temperature
- I didn’t check single values on the compute tab
- The booleans are all checked on the simple tab.