I have a “Nut” bluetooth key fob and Gladys shows my presence.
Is it possible to use Telegram to query user presence? It seems to report the weather by default when it does not understand my question. A cannot craft a query that can report on presence.
“report user presence”
weather report
“is David home?”
weather report
I am working on a scene that sends a message when I leave the house and another for when I come home. So if that is my solution it’s OK. I am mostly wanting to know what Telegram can do for me besides send a weather report.
Asking for temperature: “What’s the temperature in the kitchen ?”
Asking for humidity: “What’s the humidity in the bathroom ?”
Getting camera image: “Show me the camera in the living room”
Starting a scene: “Run cinema mode” / “Launch cinema mode”
Weather : What’s the weather like?
Lights: “Turn on the light in the garden” / “Turn off the light in the garden”
We have a ChatGPT integration in Gladys Plus to make Gladys a little smarter, but the commands available stays the same, it’s just the classification that’s a little better & answer are richer (and you can ask anything like in ChatGPT: history facts, question on topics, …)