Tuya connected camera "Model not managed or available"

I finally succeeded in setting up a cloud project and I have added a couple devices. These are the OMOROM A1-PM cameras.

There are 2 “instruction modes” available. I suspect DP instruction mode is more specific to this model than Standard instruction mode.

I have one camera set to Read and the other to Controllable. Maybe Controllable would let the Gladys user point the camera, enable night mode, etc.

I don’t know github and programming but if there is any more information I can provide I would be happy to help.

Hey! To use cameras in Gladys, you need to use the “Camera” integration:

You’ll need to find the RTSP stream of your cameras

I can’t seem to find that. I can view them in a browser after scanning a QR code in the Smart Life app. A can cast that tab to a Chromecast, but nowhere can I find RTSP information. If it exists they seem to go to great lengths to keep it secret. :frowning:

There are other apps the cameras can be activated on but Smart Life was the one I was finally able to sync to a cloud project at tuya.

Thank you for taking time to respond.

Do you have the exact name of your camera ? I can’t find it

If the camera doesn’t expose a RTSP stream, unfortunately you won’t be able to use it with a third-party software… :confused:

If you want a great camera, I recommend the Tapo C210, it’s completely open (expose the correct RTSP stream), and very cheap (20-30€)