Hi! I had an old Raspberry pi 1b lying around doing nothing so I tried to install gladys on it.
After flashing the card with the 32-bit image and powering on the pi I go to the ip of the Raspberry pi and there is a screen that says “We are setting up your gladys installation” Than nothing happens. if I refresh the page, say after an hour I just get that I cant reach the webpage and that the ipnumber declined my connection. Tried a couple of times with same result. What could be wrong and how do I proceed?
415676d212ce gladysassistant/gladys:v4 “docker-entrypoint.s…” 46 minutes ago Restarting (132) 51 seconds ago gladys
9bc473140444 containrrr/watchtower “/watchtower --clean…” About an hour ago Up About an hour (healthy) 8080/tcp watchtower
Great!!! I suppose this problem would not arise if I had a newer PI but as I had this old PI lying around I thought that I would test it. My goal is not to use it to a lot of things. I ordered a Fingerbot that I want to control with the zigbee protocol so its more like an experiment.
I actually had one Zigbee usb gateway also lying around
If you see the gladys container running, it means the installation process went until the end.
When you enter command docker logs gladys, the system is outputting logs into console (standard output). You can find them also under /var/lib/docker/containers/<container>/<container>-json.log
Can you try to stop and start again the container to produce more recent logs ?