Gladys Developer: How to build a test Docker image?

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

A short tutorial for Gladys developers explaining how to build a test Docker image.


You need a Docker Hub account.

Step 1: Create these environment variables in GitHub Actions

Go to your Gladys fork, under the “Settings” of your repository:

Create these secrets:

DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD (This can be an API key password)
DOCKERHUB_REPO (The Docker image to push, example: `pierregilles/gladys-test`)
DOCKERHUB_USER (your DockerHub username)

Step 2: Go to the “Actions” tab => “Build Gladys dev images”

Step 3: Start a build

Click on “Run Workflow” and select the branch to build, the architecture to build, and the Docker tag that will be used!

The build takes about 4 hour if you select all platforms.

If you want to save some time and don’t need this build, remove the arm/v7 build (it’s the one taking 4 hours).

Step 4: :partying_face:

That’s it! You can now share the built Docker image, which is available at:
