Gladys Assistant v4.25.1: Tasmota, and bug fixes!

Hi everyone!

A quick post to introduce Gladys Assistant v4.25.1, released last Friday and which should already be deployed on your instances :sunglasses:

Tasmota improvements around consumption tracking

There were several unit issues with the Tasmota integration on consumption tracking features, and this is now fixed in Gladys :


Thanks @Terdious for the PR, and @GBoulvin for the tests :pray:

Camera bug fix (ffmpeg)

For some users, when their camera didn’t respond well to Gladys requests, ffmpeg processes remained active and accumulated on the user’s system, taking up RAM unnecessarily.

This update limits requests to fetch a camera image to 10 seconds.

Beyond that, the process is killed to avoid saturating RAM.

Thanks to @lmilcent who reported the bug :pray:

Scene editing interface bug fixed

The “Execute only when threshold is passed” button was no longer clickable.

Now fixed.

Fixed a bug in the new “Devices” widget.

The new “Devices” widget made its debut in the latest version of Gladys, and there was a bug with roller shutters not being controllable.

This is now corrected in this version.

m² units improved

All units with an exponent now have the exponent and not just a “2”.

The complete changelog is available here .

How to upgrade

If you have installed Gladys with the official Raspberry Pi OS image, your instances will update automatically in the next few hours. This can take up to 24 hours, so don’t panic.

If you installed Gladys with Docker, check that you are using Watchtower (See the documentation )