Hello everyone
New version of Gladys!
Public dashboards
It’s now possible to create dashboards that can be used by the whole family !
This parameter can be edited during scene creation and editing.
Handy for sharing dashboards with the whole family
UX enhancements
- ZWaveJS integration now displays all devices, even those without names. I was on a call with a Gladys user this week and we couldn’t understand why her devices weren’t visible, it was driving us crazy It was just that really ^^
- In scenes, I’ve removed a click from adding triggers and actions, so there’s no need to click on “Add action”, if you select an action type it selects the action directly… it’s a life-changer!
- In scenes, if you move an action to the end of the scene, a new action group is added.
Bug fixes
- MQTT integration → If the docker socket is not available, the integration still starts and connects to MQTT.
- Fixed MELCloud scan bug when the air conditioner model was not available.
- Philips Hue: fixed polling bug on bulbs with white “temperature
- Jest cleanup in frontend not used in Gladys
The complete CHANGELOG is available here.