Adding devices using Tuya iot website > error 'Model not managed or available'

Hi all.
Im having some fun with Gladys since starting last week; but not with Tuya. I have over the last 12 mo added 4 devices, and they have worked successfully in other HA tools. Atm I am unable to get the latest device, a wifi Temp & Hum. sensor to work. It is added successfully in Tuya, which says it is ‘Online’:

|Device Name|Device ID|Product|Device Status|Device Type|Activation Time|Device Permission|
| WiFi Temp. Sensor (TVroom) | ******* |WIFI温湿度 | Online | Real Device | 2024-03-17 09:40:59 | Read|

But Gladys says under Devices 'No Tuya device found.’ So I press 'Tuva discover (•)’ on the same page, and up pops the WiFi Temp. & Hum. Sensor; and a note saying 'Model not managed or available’.

The device is still reporting correctly on Tuya Smart app. How do I overcome this 'Model not managed or available’ issue please? And is this the right place to ask such questions? Please guide me.

It means the Tuya integration in Gladys does not handle this device.

You can create a “Feature request” on this forum, or if you have a developer background, you can even help us integrate it (Gladys is open-source: GitHub - GladysAssistant/Gladys: A privacy-first, open-source home assistant )

A post was split to a new topic: Having trouble configurating the Tuya integration