Hi all.
Im having some fun with Gladys since starting last week; but not with Tuya. I have over the last 12 mo added 4 devices, and they have worked successfully in other HA tools. Atm I am unable to get the latest device, a wifi Temp & Hum. sensor to work. It is added successfully in Tuya, which says it is ‘Online’:
|Device Name|Device ID|Product|Device Status|Device Type|Activation Time|Device Permission|
| WiFi Temp. Sensor (TVroom) | ******* |WIFI温湿度 | Online | Real Device | 2024-03-17 09:40:59 | Read|
But Gladys says under Devices 'No Tuya device found.’ So I press 'Tuva discover (•)’ on the same page, and up pops the WiFi Temp. & Hum. Sensor; and a note saying 'Model not managed or available’.
The device is still reporting correctly on Tuya Smart app. How do I overcome this 'Model not managed or available’ issue please? And is this the right place to ask such questions? Please guide me.